rin art association

2024.6.16(Sun.) - 8.18(Sun)

constellation #04

rin art association is pleased to announce the opening of the exhibition, constellation#04.

The Constellation series attempts to create a spatial arrangeme nt of artworks, akin to the connections formed between stars in a constellation. This approach highlights the affinity a nd relationships among the pieces, utilizing the unique characteristics of the gallery’ s three floors to embody these connections.

This fourth edition of the series continues the previous explor ation and will be a collection exhibition by gallery owner Takahito Harada.

The world is increasingly becoming a complex and intricate stru cture, driven by the diversification of numerous elements, which are predominantly categorized by words.

The theme of the exhibition is “boundary.” The exhibited works explore the boundaries of manifold worlds. Featuring the works of 23 international artists, the exhibition represents th e infinite diversity of the universe, inviting viewers to contemplate the lines drawn between various dichotomies: art an d product, high culture and low culture, the everyday and the extraordinary, actuality and reproduction, as well as natio nal borders.

The exhibition suggests boundaries can be connected to each oth er by finding commonalities among them, enriching the world through their differences.

We hope that you will transform these boundaries into effective connections, forming a constellation of works that resonates with your own self.


Artists: Oscar Murillo, Sterling Ruby, Mika Rottenberg, Donald Judd, Fra nz West & Andreas Reiter Raabe, Neïl Beloufa, Helen Marten, Rach Whitteread, Ingo Maurer, Harmo ny Korine, Andro Wekua, Martin Kippenberger, David Shrigley, Dan Colen Jonathan Monk, C hiristian Marclay, Gino Sarfatti, Martin Margiela, Josh Smith, Dinos Chapman, Ryan Gander, Eddie Martinez
