rin art association

2024.1.14(Sun.) - 3.10(Sun)

A Second in Thousands – 36°19’21″N, 139°01’09″E

Hochoul Lee

rin art association is pleased to present ‘A Second in Thousands – 36°19’21 “N, 139°01’09″E”, a solo exhibition by Hochoul Lee. The exhibition will be held.

Hochoul Lee’s work is rooted in a reference to the problem of language, questioning the meaning of existence of uniqueness, which is lost when categorised by language.

The exhibition will feature works from the series ‘A Second in Thousands’, which are produced using two techniques.

In the ‘A Second in Thousands’ series, the work is completed through the artist’s performance act, as if the viewer is sharing the sensation with the artist.

In the two-dimensional works, the artist erases the time printed in the future by painting on the time specified.

In the sculptural work, similar times are printed on blocks laid out on the floor, and the work is completed by breaking the procs one by one with a hammer.

Both are performed as affirmations of simple, repetitive work, with each touch of paint or crack of the hammer representing a different specificity, a concept further emphasised by the fact that this specificity is attached to the inherentised signifier of time, which never comes again.

In addition, the artist’s actions transform the inherentised time from something that suggests the future, to something that shares the present, to something that looks to the past, thereby making visible the very nature of time itself.

The work was exhibited at the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation in London in 2020, and will be shown in Japan for the first time, with the new work using ceramic clay for both flat surfaces and sculptures, adding strength to the specificity and unity of the work. Please take this opportunity to experience the inherent time that Lee Ho-Tseh examines in his works.


A performance will be held on the first day of the exhibition, followed by an exhibition of the completed works as traces of the performance.