rin art association

2024.6.8(Sat.) - 7.1(Mon)

The Mirror, the Window, and the Telescope


From 8 June (Sat) to 1 December (Sun) 2024, the exhibition HIRAKU Project Vol. 16: Nozomi Suzuki ‘The Mirror, the Window, and the Telescope’ will be held at the Pola Museum of Art.

Venue: Pola Museum of Art 1F Atrium Gallery

1285 Kozukayama, Sengokuhara, Hakone, Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa, Japan

Dates: 8 Jun (Sat) – 1 Dec (Sun), 2024.

Opening hours: 9:00 – 17:00 (admission by 16:30)


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