rin art association

2024.7.13(Sat.) - 8.4(Sun)

Empty House


The paintings by Kae Masuda intertwines natural phenomena with human experiences, transforming them into intricate visual narratives. They capture both the serene and chaotic elements of the world around us, through their dynamic interplay of color, texture, and form. This exhibition offers a profound exploration of nature, memory, and the passage of time through her expressive brushwork and evocative imagery. Masuda’s latest series, “Empty House,” is inspired by her contemplations on the act of seeing and the stories contained within landscapes and structures. Gazing at the mountains from her window, Masuda reflects on the interplay of ”ridgelines, volume, and light”. Her attention shifts from the broader landscape to individual trees and the life within them, sparking an imaginative journey that culminates in her creating art. This series features the ephemeral nature of human memory by capturing the quiet presence of plants and structures, suggesting the life that once existed there and the inevitability of its transition into a landscape of the past. Masuda’s paintings skillfully fuse abstract and figurative imagery through contemplative use of different textures, rhythmic composition, and fluid brushwork. 


press_ 増田佳江_ガトーフェスタハラダ本社ギャラリー2024_EN


Opening reception 2024.7.13 sat PM6:00-8:00

Gatofesta Harada Headquarters Gallery