rin art association

2023.11.5(Sun.) - 12.24(Sun)

sen wo hakaru

Kengo Kito

in art association is pleased to present “sen wo hakaru” (measure, plan, or guess the lines), the new exhibition by Kengo Kito.

Kito has been highly acclaimed both in Japan and abroad for his works that evoke life forms and the expanse of the universe by extracting contemporary colorful colors and light using common, everyday ready-made objects such as hula hoops, scarves, and mirrors.

Kito’s works are created by developing paintings and installations with affinity and allowing each to interact with the other.

In recent years, he has continuously produced “cartwheel galaxy,” a series of paintings using squeegees to express the rotational motion extracted from installations using motors such as mirror balls, and has added lamé and glass to the wheel-like matiere to extract random light. 

This exhibition is mainly composed of an installation that overlaps the consideration of “sen” (means line in Japanese) that has been a continuous theme since the “Lines Kengo Kito” exhibition held at the Kanagawa Arts Theatre Atrium in 2022, and “cartwheel galaxy,” in which he used pencil for the first time as a new approach to draw various lines. How will Kito’s installations with lines, the theme he has been consciously developing in recent years, affect his paintings in the future?

We hope you will take this opportunity to view Kengo Kito’s new approach to the world of lines.
