Other Days, Other Eyes : Windows from the Bedroom of Second Floor of the Tanaka Residence
2021Window from a demolished house, photosensitive emulsion 129.2×82×5.1(cm)

The Rings of Saturn : ステレオスコープ ーエッフェル塔のステレオ写真
2021British stereoscope, photosensitive emulsion 20×17.8×32(cm)

The Rings of Saturn: Porthole-The Irish Sea
2020British porthole, photosensitive emulsion Φ22.4×8.2(cm)

The Rings of Saturn:TelescopeーThe Time Ball at the Royal Observatory Greenwich
2020British telescope, tripod, photosensitive emulsion telescope:φ5×78.2(cm) 92×83.4×139(cm)

The Rings of Saturn:Pince-nez-“oft, in the stilly night” , a Poem by Thomas Moore
2020British pince-nez, photosensitive emulsion 5×10×0.5(cm)

Other Days, Other Eyes / Windows from the East Side of the Second Floor of the Sekii Residence
2014A coat of photosensitive emulsion is applied a window that has been removed 62 x 79 x 3 cm

Other Days, Other Eyes / Windows from the Kitchen of the Karasawa Residence
2014A coat of photosensitive emulsion is applied a window that has been removed 80 x 83 x 3 cm

Other Days, Other Eyes / Windows from the Restroom of the Warita Residence
2014A coat of photosensitive emulsion is applied a window that has been removed 19 x 87 x 3 cm

Other Days, Other Eyes / Windows from the Bathroom of the Warita residence
2014A coat of photosensitive emulsion is applied a window that has been removed 88.5 x 128 x 3 cm

Other Days, Other Eyes / Windows from the Kitchen of the Machida Residence
2014A coat of photosensitive emulsion is applied a window that has been removed 88 x 179 x 3 cm

Other Days, Other Eye 記憶を持つ
2013A coat of photosensitive emulsion is applied a window that has been removed 180 x 260 x 3 cm / 180 x 352 x 3 cm

鏡の記憶 / スダ美容室の鏡
2014鏡、写真乳剤 φ45 cm

皿の記憶 / スプーン
2011割れた皿、写真乳剤 φ12 cm

額の記憶 / 関井記念館
2011使われていた額、写真乳剤 26 x 32 x 3 cm

額の記憶 / 福寿
2012色紙の抜け落ちた額、色紙、写真 φ45 cm

光を束ねる / 小引出し
2012引出し、写真乳剤 30 × 32 × 51 cm

光を束ねる / 鍋
2012鍋、写真乳剤 20 × 11 cm