Image for Degrowth – Slow Mini4WD and Old GPU
2021mini 4WD, microcontroller, motor driver, switch, GPU, wood, plastic (PLA), spray, canvas 162 × 130 × 8 (cm)

Image for Degrowth – Slow Mini4WD and Old GPU
2021mini 4WD, microcontroller, motor driver, switch, GPU, wood, plastic (PLA), spray, canvas 162 × 130 × 8 (cm)

Image for Degrowth – Slow Mini4WD
2021mini 4WD, microcontroller, motor driver, switch, wood, plastic (PLA), spray 91 × 60 × 7.8 (cm)

遅いミニ四駆 - サンダードラゴン
2021gear motor, plastic (PLA) 9.5 × 12.5 × 3 (cm)

遅いミニ四駆 - プロトセイバーJB
2021Mini 4WD, gear motor, plastic (PLA) 9.5 × 12.5 × 3 (cm)

2020Mixed media Dimensions variable

Future Currency - Test Printing Factory for New 10,000 yen Bill
2019Mixed media 600 × 1000 × 600 (cm)

Undeveloped Public Area
2019Stones of Hotel Anteroom Kyoto, 3D printed figure, high pressure washer, transparent sheet, water based color, web camera, monitor, PC Dimensions variable

Couldn't Seen Well
2019Mixed media Dimensions variable

2019Raspberry Pi, LCD monitor, canvas, frame 42 × 58 (cm)

Modern Spectator
2018Drawing, objects, segway, robotic arm, iPhone, iPad, PC, BLE module Dimensions variable

Cargo Cult (Collaborator: Kenta Ishige)
2017Mixed media Dimensions variable

About a Theory of Graffiti
2017Mixed media 600 × 500 (cm)

Avatars (Collaborator: So Kanno, YCAM Inter Lab)
2017Mixed media Dimensions variable

Examples: One and Several Motifs
2016Gypsum and objects, 3D model by photogrammetry, drawing (pencil on paper)

Asemic Languages (Collaborator: So Kanno)
2016XY plotter, microcontroller, paper, pen, PC, handwritings Dimensions variable

2014Paper, pen, drawing module, curly cable, PC, sensor Dimensions variable

SENSELESS DRAWING BOT #2 (Collaborator: So Kanno)
2012High pressure washer, water based color, RC skateboard, motor, microcontroller, sensors Dimensions variable

SENSELESS DRAWING BOT (Collaborator: So Kanno)
2011RC skate board, metal, bearing, Servo motor, spray paint, microcontroller, sensor Dimensions variable

A Device for "Graffiti"
2011spray Paint, DC motor, micro controller, spring, sensor, Servo motor Dimensions variable